The formalities to be handled for transit transport and the documents to be submitted for inspection.

Transit transport refers to the customs in order to speed up the port of import and export goods, to facilitate the receiving and consignor to go through customs procedures, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, allowing customs supervision of goods from a customs location to another customs location for import and export customs procedures.

Procedures to be completed for transit transport of 1.

Import transit

Declaration: The consignee of imported goods or his agent enters the customs declaration data at the customs of the place of entry, and goes through the customs formalities for the customs of the place of entry with the relevant documents.

Audit: The customs at the place of entry shall examine the customs declaration data and relevant documents, go through the customs formalities if the conditions are met, and transmit the customs data to the customs at the place of shipment.

Transport: Goods are transported from the place of entry to the place of destination under customs supervision.

Declaration: After the goods have arrived at the place of shipment, the consignee or his agent shall go through the import declaration formalities with the customs of the place of shipment.

Inspection: refers to the customs of the place of shipment to inspect the goods and check whether the quantity, specification, model, etc. of the goods are consistent with the declaration.

Taxation: The customs of the place of shipment calculates the tax payable on the basis of the classification of the goods and the price of the tax, and collects the tax on the consignee or his agent.

Release: After the consignee or his agent has paid the tax, the customs of the place of shipment shall handle the release of the goods.

Export transit

Declaration: The consignor or his agent of the exported goods enters the customs declaration data at the customs of the place of shipment, and handles the customs formalities with the customs of the place of shipment with the relevant documents.

Audit: The customs at the place of shipment shall examine the customs declaration data and relevant documents, go through the customs formalities for those who meet the conditions, and transmit the customs data to the customs at the place of departure.

Transport: Goods are transported from the place of departure to the place of departure under customs supervision.

Declaration: After the goods have arrived at the place of departure, the consignor or his agent shall go through the export declaration formalities with the customs at the place of departure.

Inspection: The customs at the place of departure shall inspect the goods and check whether the quantity, specification and model of the goods are consistent with the declaration.

Release: After the goods meet the conditions for export, the customs at the place of departure shall handle the procedures for the release of the goods.


2. documents to be submitted for inspection for transit transportation

Import transit

Declaration Form for Import Goods in transit;

Commercial documents such as "bill of lading for imported goods", "invoice" and "packing list;

In the case of specific duty-free goods, relevant documents such as the Certificate of Tax Exemption shall also be submitted;

If the import of goods is restricted, the relevant documents such as the Import License shall also be submitted;

In the case of imported cars, relevant documents such as the Certificate of Imported Goods should also be submitted.

Export transit

Declaration Form for Goods in transit for export;

Commercial documents such as "Export Goods Bill of Lading", "Invoice" and "Packing List;

In the case of specific duty-free goods, relevant documents such as the Certificate of Tax Exemption shall also be submitted;

In the case of export-restricted goods, relevant documents such as the Export License shall also be submitted;

In the case of export processing zone goods, relevant documents such as the Record List of Outbound Goods in Export Processing Zones shall also be submitted.


It should be noted that different transit modes of transport and types of goods may require different documents for inspection, and the specific requirements should be consulted with the customs according to the actual situation. At the same time, when going through the formalities for transit transportation, we should strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the customs, truthfully declare the situation of the goods, and ensure the smooth progress of transit transportation.