Customs clearance services:

Customs declaration service introduction: Customs declaration refers to the process of consignee or consignor, person in charge of inbound and outbound means of transportation, owner of inbound and outbound articles or their agents to handle the entry and exit procedures of goods, baggage, postal articles or means of transportation and related customs affairs with customs, including declaring to customs, submitting documents and papers, and accepting supervision and inspection by customs, etc. Customs declaration is one of the necessary parts of fulfilling customs entry and exit procedures. There are: import and export goods declaration, import and export goods license, commodity inspection certificate, animal and plant quarantine certificate, food hygiene inspection certificate, as well as Bill of lading, loading bill, waybill, invoice and packing list, etc.

We provide customs clearance services for import and export goods, helping various trading businesses with customs declaration, inspection, tax collection and release procedures. We also accept export declarations for various product names, including machinery, furniture, textiles, clothing, hand tools, decorative items and dangerous goods etc.


Customs inspection is also known as application for inspection, generally refers to foreign trade person of interest apply for inspection, quarantine, identification work procedures in the import and export commodity inspection and quarantine agencies in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations, contracts, which is a part of the import and export commodity inspection and quarantine work. 

Huijietong has its own customs broker in Yantian and Shekou, and has rich experience and sincere dedication, providing customers with fast customs clearance and comprehensive and thoughtful customs clearance services.