What is the specific inspection of international logistics goods by customs (knowledge sharing of international logistics dry goods)

1. Check the product name, specification and model: Please ensure that the product name is accurate to avoid random writing or confusion, such as mistakenly writing the export mobile phone film as the export mobile phone, writing the battery as battery accessories, etc., and writing the liquid unit L as ml, etc.

2. Check the quantity and weight unit: no matter how many, please ensure accurate declaration. The goods unpacked and inspected at the inspection table are often found by customs officers to be inconsistent with the declaration form, usually the actual quantity is less than the declared quantity.

3. Check whether it is infringement: Please ensure that there is no infringement of other people's LOGO or embezzlement of patents. For example, if there is no authorized brand goods, the customs declaration bank will generally check out the situation according to the handling of the goods without reporting.

4. Check the source of goods: Please fill in the actual source of goods accurately. For example, especially when it comes to third-party trade, the wrong source of goods may result in the goods not being cleared at the port of destination.

5. Check the commodity number: Please ensure that the customs code corresponds to the name of the product to avoid discrepancies in the declaration.

6. Check the old and new: Please note that some old products are not allowed to be imported and exported. Now the state is cracking down on solid waste. Many old products may not be cleared and need to be returned.

7. Check the unit price/total price/currency system: Please ensure that the unit price and total price are consistent with the actual value of the goods to avoid the error of unit price or total price deviating from the actual situation.

8. Sampling and inspection:(1) For example, during the mask period, it is required to ensure that the mask and other commodities meet the quality standards, and the samples that need to be tested are submitted for inspection to ensure that they are qualified. There are liquids, powders, chemical products and other inspection generally need to be submitted for inspection. (2) Oily ink has not been inspected according to water-based ink. Glue and reagent have not been declared and are submitted for inspection at the final request.

9. Whether to hide: Please do not conceal or misreport commodity information, to avoid carrying all kinds of miscellaneous items. There was a case where guests brought a small amount of clothes, washing powder, old dopted mother and glue to the consignee in the container.