Latest | U.S. Customs Inspection and Amazon Reservation Delivery Summary (Amazon U.S. Station Sellers Please Note)


Customs inspection

The United States continued to see an increase in inspections,:

Houston: inspection rate increased, random inspection, for the value of goods, importers more problems.

JACKSONVILLE: The inspection rate increased, random inspection, for the value of goods, importers more problems.

SAVANNAH: The inspection rate increased, random inspection, for the value of goods, importers more problems.

New York: random inspection, for the value of goods, CPS, FDA problem is more.

Los Angeles: The number of inspections has increased, random inspections, and there are more problems for the value of goods and importers.

Auckland: random inspection, for the value of goods, importers more problems. The inspection time is delayed for about 1 week.

Detroit: Random inspection, for the value of goods, importers more problems.

Miami: For the value of goods, infringement, EPA, DOT issues more.

Chicago: There are many questions about value, CPS and FDA. The risk of inspection will increase for cabinets in transit in Canada.

Dallas: For the value of goods, importers, EPA, CPS issues more.

Seattle: Random inspection, inspection station is full, inspection time will be delayed for about 2-3 weeks.

Atlanta/Savannah: Random inspection, more for the value of goods.

Norfolk: Random inspection, more for the value of goods.

Main reasons and requirements of customs inspection in recent days

Causes that may lead to scrutiny:

Undeclared items that are not listed on a commercial invoice can result in substantial fines and significant impact.

The value is too low. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has recently conducted increased audits of FBA imports (CF28 and CF29).

The corresponding requirements are as follows:

The low value has attracted the attention of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency. Importers must provide bank payment certificates with suppliers and bank payment certificates with customers, as well as contracts and purchase orders.

Raise the value of the goods, even if the quantity is large, the value of each unit shall not be less than 0.001 cents.

Ensure no infringement. When receiving goods, it is necessary to determine whether the trademark is infringing, such as SGS.

Situation of lifting cabinet and return to cabinet

In addition to the following cities, the rest are currently around 4 days on average, and the docks are still normal for the time being.

Los Angeles

There is a shortage of appointments for pick-up and return of cabinets at major docks.


Trains arrive in a concentrated manner, and there is a serious shortage of frames. Trucks are required to bring their own frames to lift cabinets.

The frame of the 45 is seriously missing.

After arriving at the Chicago yard, some of the cabinet's seals were cut and underloaded.


The dock will be closed at random every Friday, so it is impossible to return the cabinet.


The wharf is not empty, and there are more cabinets to return to other places.

The dock is seriously missing a 45-foot frame.


Starting from March 19, the Atlanta Norfolk Southern Austell Railway Station will no longer provide frames. The motorcade should bring its own frame into the railway station and wait for the cabinets to be installed on site. When the cabinet is empty, only empty boxes will be collected. The scene will wait in line to unload the cabinet and the frame will be taken away. On Saturday/Sunday LFD, there may be a detention fee due to insufficient frames. At present, the estimated time for lifting a cabinet has increased to 2-4 hours.

The railway station does not accept empty cabinets and returns them to different places.

New York

APM was affected by the strike, and the dock queued for at least 3-4 hours.

Summary of the whole cabinet direct delivery to Amazon

LGB8: The warehouse explosion is serious and is no longer approved.

FWA4: warehouse explosion, appointment in 3 weeks.

FTW1: warehouse explosion, reservation pending.

MDW2: warehouse explosion, appointment in 3 weeks.

RDU2: Burst, appointment in 4 weeks.

GYR2/3: explosion, appointment in 3 weeks.

LGB6: The warehouse explosion is serious, and the appointment is 3-4 weeks later.

CLT2: warehouse explosion, no approval.

SMF3: warehouse explosion, appointment in 3 weeks.

RFD2: warehouse explosion, appointment in 3 weeks.

SBD2: Blast, after 3 weeks of booking, the rejection rate increased due to shortage of personnel.

ABE8: Burst, appointment in 3 weeks.

OKC2: It will take about two weeks to do the warehouse explosion.

Excluding the above warehouse points, all other warehouse points need to be reserved about 2 weeks in advance.

The average waiting time for direct delivery of the whole cabinet is for reference only.

FTW5: This week began to burst, serious unloading time in more than 3 days, it is recommended to do DROP.

TEB3/4: long unloading time, sometimes need to do DROP.

SMF3:12 hours.

SCK4:12 hours.

ORD2: long unloading time, sometimes need to do DROP.

CLT2:15 hours.

GYR2:15 hours.

GYR3:15 hours.

LGB8:16 hours

STL3:10 hours.

Excluding the above warehouse points, the waiting time of other warehouse points is less than 10 hours.

Call Amazon reservation

FTW1:1WEEKS DELAY unpacking reservation, 1week later.

FTW5:1WEEKS DELAY unpacking appointment, 1week late.

OKC2:1WEEKS DELAY Unpacking Appointment, Appointment 1Week Late.

SCK4:3WEEKS DELAY unpacking appointment, 3weeks later.

ABE8:2WEEKS DELAY Unpacking Appointment, Appointment 2Weeks Late.

ORF2:2WEEKS DELAY Unpacking Appointment, Appointment 2Weeks Late.

TEB9:2WEEKS DELAY Unpacking Appointment, Appointment 2Weeks Late.

XLX6:3WEEKS DELAY Unpacking Appointment, Appointment 3Weeks Late.

SWF1:1WEEKS DELAY unpacking reservation, 1week late.

SWF2:1WEEKS DELAY unpacking reservation, 1week later.

RMN3:3WEEKS DELAY unpacking appointment, 3weeks later.

RDU2:3WEEKS DELAY unpacking reservation, 3weeks later.

RFD2:2WEEKS DELAY unpacking reservation, 2weeks later.

Excluding the above warehouse points, other warehouse points need to be reserved about 1 week in advance.

AMAZON Tto about waiting time

IAH3: The average waiting time is 4 hours.

JVL1: The average waiting time is 2 hours.

MDW2: The average waiting time is 2.5 hours.

ORF2: The average waiting time is 5 hours.

TEB9: The average waiting time is 4 hours.

Excluding the above warehouse points, other warehouse points need to be reserved about 1 week in advance.

Landing situation

Los Angeles: Congestion for about 2-3 days.

New york: The dock is congested for 2 days, especially the E364 GLOBAL dock, which requires 3-4 hours of queuing.

Auckland: Congestion for about 2-3 days, Z985 pier in the closed area for about 2-3 days.

Miami: probably 2 days of congestion.

Norfolk: Probably three days of congestion.

Houston: probably 2-3 days of congestion.

Chicago: Congestion for about 2-3 days.

Los Angeles: The average transit time on the train is 12 days.

Canada: The average transit time on the train is 8 days.

New York: The average transit time on the train is 5 days.

Kansas City: probably 3-4 days of congestion.

Indianapolis: probably 7 days of congestion.