Italian Trade Union International Shipping Port Workers to Strike in July (International Shipping Exporters to Italy Pay Attention to Delay)

According to foreign media, Italian trade union port workers plan to strike from July 2 to 5 and hold protests across Italy from July 1 to 7. Port services, shipping may be interrupted, recent shipments to Italy's cargo owners please note the impact of logistics delays.

Italy's transport unions and employers have failed to reach an agreement despite six months of contract negotiations. The two sides still disagree on the terms of the negotiations. Union leaders have called for strike action over their members' work contract negotiations, including wage increases.

The Uiltrasporti unions will strike on July 2 and 3, and the FILT CGIL and FIT CISL unions will strike on July 4 and 5. These various periods of strike action are likely to have a cumulative impact on port operations, with strikes expected to affect all ports in the country.

"After more than six months of negotiations, we are still far from being able to give concrete answers to the basic needs of Italian dockers." Uiltrasporti said in a statement. The unions are demanding a new collective labor agreement that includes a boost to the economy to restore workers' lost purchasing power.

The union wants to resume talks by the date of the strike, when the employers' association puts forward improved proposals.

De Xun (Kuehne Nagel) issued a warning on its official website: Italian transport workers will strike in the first week of July

Demonstrations are possible at ports across the country, and in the event of any protests, security measures may be tightened and local traffic disruptions may be caused. The possibility of clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement officers during demonstrations cannot be ruled out. During the time period affected, there may be disruptions to port services and shipping, which could last until July 6.

I would like to remind you that the shippers and forwarders who have recently shipped the country must pay close attention to the delay and impact of the strike on the transportation of goods, so as not to bring unnecessary losses! Forwarding is well known ~